Author name: Stando

A.12. Scaling Up Sustainable Practices in Early Childhood Education_ The Role of the UrbSTEAM Project

The UrbSTEAM project has the potential to significantly impact the scalability of sustainable practices in early childhood education by providing a replicable model for integrating urban gardening and STEAM education into preschool curricula. Through partnerships with schools, community organizations, and policymakers, the project aims to disseminate best practices, resources, and training opportunities to a wider […]

A.12. Scaling Up Sustainable Practices in Early Childhood Education_ The Role of the UrbSTEAM Project Read More »

A.11. Creating Inclusive Learning Environments in Urban Gardens_ Strategies for Preschools

Inclusive learning environments are essential for ensuring that all children, regardless of background or ability, can fully participate and benefit from garden-based education. In the UrbSTEAM project, preschools implement strategies to create welcoming and accessible spaces within urban gardens. These strategies may include designing raised garden beds for children with mobility challenges, providing multi-sensory learning

A.11. Creating Inclusive Learning Environments in Urban Gardens_ Strategies for Preschools Read More »

A.10.Empowering Teachers as Garden Educators_ Professional Development Insights from UrbSTEAM

Professional development plays a crucial role in empowering educators to effectively implement garden-based education and integrate STEAM concepts into their teaching practice. In the UrbSTEAM project, educators have access to ongoing training, workshops, and resources designed to enhance their pedagogical skills and content knowledge. Through hands-on experiences in urban gardens, educators learn how to facilitate

A.10.Empowering Teachers as Garden Educators_ Professional Development Insights from UrbSTEAM Read More »

A.9.Engaging Children in Critical Dialogue Through Garden Activities_ Strategies for Educators

Garden activities offer rich opportunities for educators to engage kindergarten children in critical dialogue about environmental issues, sustainability, and social justice. In the UrbSTEAM project, educators utilize inquiry-based approaches and open-ended questioning techniques to prompt children to think critically about their experiences in the garden. By encouraging reflection, sharing perspectives, and exploring solutions to real-world

A.9.Engaging Children in Critical Dialogue Through Garden Activities_ Strategies for Educators Read More »

A.8.Promoting Social Justice Through Garden-Based Education_ Lessons from UrbSTEAM Project

Garden-based education has the power to promote social justice by providing equitable access to transformative learning experiences that foster environmental awareness, cultural diversity, and community empowerment. The UrbSTEAM project exemplifies how garden-based education can serve as a catalyst for social justice by prioritizing inclusivity, equity, and empowerment in kindergarten settings. This article explores the lessons

A.8.Promoting Social Justice Through Garden-Based Education_ Lessons from UrbSTEAM Project Read More »

A.7. Exploring STEAM Concepts Through Garden Activities_ A Practical Guide for Kindergarten Teachers

Garden activities provide a rich and dynamic environment for kindergarten children to explore STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) concepts in a hands-on and experiential manner. By integrating garden-based learning into the curriculum, teachers can engage children in meaningful experiences that foster curiosity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary connections. This practical guide offers kindergarten teachers strategies

A.7. Exploring STEAM Concepts Through Garden Activities_ A Practical Guide for Kindergarten Teachers Read More »

A.6. Cultivating Sustainable Mindsets_ The Role of Educators in Garden-Based Education

In an era marked by environmental challenges and growing concerns about sustainability, the role of educators has never been more critical in shaping the mindsets and behaviors of future generations. Garden-based education offers a unique opportunity for educators to cultivate sustainable mindsets in children from an early age. Through hands-on experiences in the garden, educators

A.6. Cultivating Sustainable Mindsets_ The Role of Educators in Garden-Based Education Read More »

A.5.Fostering Ecological Literacy in Kindergarten_ The Impact of Garden-Based Learning

In today’s rapidly changing world, fostering ecological literacy from a young age is crucial in nurturing future generations who are environmentally conscious, socially responsible, and equipped to address complex sustainability challenges. Garden-based learning provides a unique and transformative opportunity for kindergarteners to develop ecological literacy by engaging directly with nature in a hands-on, immersive environment.

A.5.Fostering Ecological Literacy in Kindergarten_ The Impact of Garden-Based Learning Read More »

A.4. Integrating Permaculture Values in Kindergarten Education_ Lessons from UrbSTEAM Project

Permaculture, a holistic design system grounded in principles of sustainability, offers valuable insights and practices that can be integrated into early childhood education to cultivate environmental awareness, stewardship, and resilience. In the context of the UrbSTEAM project, which focuses on teaching STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) through urban garden-based learning in kindergarten settings, the

A.4. Integrating Permaculture Values in Kindergarten Education_ Lessons from UrbSTEAM Project Read More »

A.3. The Role of Urban Gardens in Early Childhood Education_ A STEAM Approach

Early childhood education serves as a critical foundation for lifelong learning and development, shaping children’s attitudes, skills, and perspectives. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of providing young learners with immersive and interdisciplinary educational experiences that foster creativity, critical thinking, and environmental stewardship. One innovative approach that has gained traction

A.3. The Role of Urban Gardens in Early Childhood Education_ A STEAM Approach Read More »